Slavic Tradition is a powerful network of mystical practices rooted in the profound intuitive knowledge of our ancestors about the subtle interactions between worlds. In ancient times, people felt the presence of unseen forces in every aspect of their lives. The belief that the human soul is not isolated from the Universe but connected to invisible spirits, deities, and ancestors became the foundation of all magical actions. The Slavs believed that every significant event in life—from birth to death, from weddings to harvest days—had to be accompanied by a ritual. They believed that only through proper rites and sacred words could the forces of chaos and darkness be tamed, directed, and appeased to harmonize with the spirit world.
Today, we will discuss rituals for family happiness, pregnancy, and childbirth, which were essential for survival. In a world full of unknown dangers and magical entities, these rituals served as protection from unseen foes, strengthened life’s flows, and established a connection with spiritual forces that could influence each person’s destiny. Rituals acted as a magical “boost” for the family’s energy, providing strength, protection, and blessings.
The Mystery of Conception: The Beginning of a New World
In Slavic tradition, conception was considered a magical event involving not only man and woman but also higher powers. Its importance lay in bridging worlds. It marked the moment when the child’s soul entered a new cycle of life, making its concealment from outsiders essential. A stranger’s gaze could disrupt the harmony and introduce harmful magic into the process. Thus, no one but the closest family members should know about conception. The Slavs believed that the process of conception could be safeguarded only by the magic bestowed by gods and spirits.
One of the most crucial talismans for the unborn child was the love and care of the parents. The purity of their feelings and intentions created a protective aura capable of shielding the child from evil.
Pregnancy as a Sacred Trial: Spells and Amulets
During pregnancy, the woman became a channel between worlds: the world of the living and the world of spirits. At the moment of conception, as life began its journey, these worlds connected, making the woman a guardian of a new world and generation. The power of Lada, the goddess of family happiness, protected this sacred mystery, shielding the woman and child from the evil eye and dark forces. Magical practices and rituals accompanied the mother from the start of pregnancy to childbirth.
One such ritual was creating a protective doll-amulet. Women handcrafted this doll with love and care, imbuing it with their energy to guard against negative influences and block outside interference. The doll was kept close to the woman and hidden from others. After the baby’s birth, the doll was “retired,” and a new amulet, crafted by the father, took its place. This new talisman was kept under the father’s pillow until the child was born, after which it was placed in the baby’s cradle to provide protection and strength.
Spells from The Great Book of Spells of Volkhv Veleslav
Spell for Conception
Mother Earth!
Grant me, [name], the granddaughter of Dazhbog,
Your fertile power! Hoy-Ma!
Spell for Protecting Pregnancy
Radiant Goddesses-Bereginyas,Mothers Rozhanitsy!
Guard me,[name], the granddaughter of Dazhbog,
With your protective power.
Shield the fruit of my womb
From all harm,
From all misfortune! Hoy-Ma!
This spell was recited during the early months of pregnancy when the mother and child were most vulnerable to external negative influences.
Spell for Fertility
This spell was recited to strengthen the connection between a woman and her maternal essence, preparing her to give birth to healthy and strong offspring.
"Mother Earth, sky and sun, waters full of strength, I unite you within my body. My fruit is your child; let it be as strong and healthy as an ancient oak, as pure as a spring, as bright as a sunny day. Lada, protect me and my child from harm. Let it be so."
Slavic Birth Magic: Crossing the Border Between Worlds
In Slavic tradition, childbirth was perceived as a sacred ritual where the gates between Yav (the world of the living) and Nav (the world of spirits) opened. The spirits of Nav could attempt to interfere in the process or draw someone from Yav into Nav. To prevent this, the Slavs appealed to protectors—gods, ancestral spirits, and natural forces.
Childbirth traditionally took place in a banya (bathhouse), which was considered a magical transition space. During labor, locks and fasteners were opened, and knots were untied as symbols of cleansing and removing obstacles, allowing the energy of life to flow freely into this world. The woman’s braids were undone, and all ties and laces on her clothing were loosened. Magical knots connected to the world of Nav were meant to keep its spirits at bay.
After the child’s birth, the father presented the newborn to the rising sun, protecting the child from dark forces. This act symbolized a path into this world filled with light and life energy. The child was then bathed in running water, a ritual of purification and a blessing for a long and happy life.

Spell for Easier Labor
This spell was recited before labor or during its onset to prepare for the sacred process.
"There stands a Stone in the Sea.On that Stone stands Mother Lada.She holds golden keys on her right shoulder.She unlocks [name]’s doors.Doors, open wide!Prince or princess,Enter the Light! Hoy!"
Family Amulets for Protection and Strength
All magical amulets for protecting the family and ensuring its continuity were preserved and passed down through generations, strengthening the bond between ancestors and descendants.
One such amulet, the Rodovik, not only served as protection but also as a source of strength for the family lineage. Symbols carved into stone or wood, or embroidered on clothing, were sacred artifacts passed through centuries. The Rodovik symbolized family unity, harmony, and the magical connection of all its members, ensuring the continuity of life.
If you wish to order rituals or protective amulets for yourself or your family, feel free to contact me directly.